Monday, June 2, 2014

Harnessing Your Will

How’s your will?  You know, that inner power that we all possess, which has the potential to stand and hold firm no matter how the outside world tries to influence it with our diligence and practice.  We can control it, the world can’t influence it if we have dedicated ourselves to gaining the power, we just have to reach inside of ourselves and grow it.  We are responsible to work at harnessing it, to harden it, to make it like iron to withstand any obstacle.    

The world moves fast and with how fast technology has advanced over the past few decades there is this looming feeling that we all can control the world around us.  We can’t control the uncontrollable, but we feel like we are now capable of it.  We’re convinced of it.  And we’ll do everything in our power to prevent something bad from happening and you know what?  At some point something "bad" will happen.  But that’s what this life is filled with.  This is where we have the power to make the best of a bad situation, to impose our will, to take it on the chin with a smile, wipe the blood away and learn from it, grow from it, and harden that will from it.  Because if we have the will to withstand anything this life will throw at us we’ll have the power to be happy no matter the situation.

Once we are able to realize that we can’t control other people or control the events that take place in this life we can live a happier life.  We can control our perceptions.  And controlling our perceptions is far easier than even thinking of being able to control people or things.  This is our will.  Our will allows us the opportunity to have us a punchers chance in this life to flourish no matter the situation and be glad when we encounter a punch to the face that stuns us, that fills our mouth with blood.   That’s the point where we really learn what we’re worth, where we get staggered, have to take a step back, gather our thoughts and charge back full force into this life.  That’s how are will gets tested.  Always remember that just because the world knocks you down, doesn't mean that it’s got you beat.  Just get up, refuse to stay down, keep getting back up, always get up, you owe it to no one but yourself to get up.

There is a point to the saying, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  If you always prepare for times to be hard, when they become hard (which they will at some point) you’re ready for it.  And you’ll be the one shining while others weather away.  Certain things we can’t ever change or control in this life, know that, live that, so when one of those things happens, we are able to look at it objectively, know that we did our best to try and stop it, but we were unable to stop it and know that everything happens for a reason.  Again this is another great opportunity to shine where others will lose themselves and not be able to persevere.  Because that’s what we do, we already made the commitment to keep moving forward, to keep getting back up, so we’ll persevere off of our ability to get back up and get back in the fight. 

And what lies behind mountains?  That’s right more mountains friends.  Keep climbing.

Keep Calm and Tank Up.


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