Thursday, May 29, 2014

Behind Mountains are More Mountains

     The great thing about this world my friends is that it’s always going to be spinning.  Round and round it goes and no matter how many obstacles we break through another will surely pop right back up.  There is an old Haitian proverb that says it another way: “Behind mountains are more mountains.”  So with each and every obstacle we conquer another one will be there waiting, but that’s what makes life exciting.  It’s those obstacles, the journey associated with each and every one that will harden us a little more, that will teach us a little more, that will make us a little stronger, that will make us a little more resilient.  And the cumulative effect of the obstacles we’ll encounter in life will lead us to a more perfect version of ourselves.  That’s why we keep moving, that’s why we don’t even think about standing still, because the next big challenge is coming, it’s waiting for us, to crush us, but it can’t, we can’t allow it.  Like the proverb, it’s the climb up those mountains that’s worth it.  That’s the struggle.  Embrace it, enjoy it.  That’s the fight that we’re all in, in different ways, but we’re all still in it.  So work on changing your perspective and get used to climbing to the top of the mountain knowing full well that soon you’ll be standing in the valley climbing up another one.  
     It’s cliché to say that life is a marathon, not a sprint, but it’s true.  Don’t waste your energy on things that you can’t control, or living in the past, be in the moment, knowing that this is the exact place that you are meant to be right at this very second.  Learn from every climb you make and if you fail, if you fall down that mountain, stand back up, dust yourself off and start back up that mountain or pick another mountain to climb.  That’s ok too, just keep moving forward and keep moving up.  If we all can work at this, if we all are deliberate with each and every step we take, we won’t be filled with the fear of change.   We’ll be able to embrace it, to look forward to it.  Keep pouring yourself into the challenges this world is going to throw at you.  And be excited for that next opportunity to be back climbing, to be back in the fight, looking forward to the next round and the next round and the round after that.  So when you find yourself down in that valley between two peaks, don’t look back, don’t feel sorry for yourself, enjoy the journey that the next mountain is about to take you on.  Embrace the journey my friends, I'll be waiting for you at the top.


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