Sunday, May 25, 2014


     No one ever hopes to be weak, poor or underprivileged.  No one hopes to have the deck so totally stacked against them.  No one hopes for anything negative to happen to them.  No one wants obstacle after gigantic obstacle placed right in their path, blocking where they are trying to go.  However, all of these situations, no matter how dire they seem, aren’t immune to doing something about them, to you taking action.  Truly, that’s the only way these things can respond positively for you.  You don’t have to be excited and happy about these situations, you can be pissed, get mad, be frustrated, but don’t let these thoughts consume you.  Cause they will try.  They will fight to make you quit, take the easy road out, fold your hand and walk away.  This is that moment.  The point that all great things typically come out of, the place in time where you could’ve given up, you could’ve quit, could’ve walked away head held down, but you didn’t.  You rolled up your sleeves, you laid out your plan, and you put it into action immediately.  With every obstacle that we conquer we learn, we get stronger, we get smarter, and we now are more prepared for the next obstacle that comes our way.  Because they’ll be another, big or small, they come all life long, but it’s you that controls how you react to them.  It’s on you.  It’s only on you to make it happen.

     Get going.  Life can be difficult, it can knock us down, drag us through the mud and leave us there to loathe in our self-doubt/pity.  Most people can list all the problems that are afflicting them.  Most people can even list what they need to do to fix their current situation.  But we typically allow ourselves to get filled with fear.  We now are the obstacle in our life.  That’s the worst place to be.  We will sit and wait for something to change…but it won’t.  We’ll fear making a change because maybe it’s too risky, or we feel inexperienced, or that it just isn’t the right time, or that it might not work.  You know how it won’t work?  By doing nothing.  FACT.  Sadly we commonly find ourselves in this very situation time and time again.  It’s easier said than done, but you can’t hit a home run if you never swing your bat.  Maybe you strike out, maybe you get hit with the ball, but at least you took a swing. 

     Don’t stop moving toward your goals, ever.  Keep moving, always be moving.  Be determined, be willing to work-hard, be aggressive, be patient, be human and fight for it.  Don’t even think about complaining or sitting still when you don’t have what you had hoped for.  Hope isn’t going to help you.  Of course the obstacle won’t budge; you haven’t even tried to do anything about it yet.  Momentum doesn’t start without movement.  Start moving.  Go out and go after what you want.  Momentum loves company.  Stay moving friends.

“We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us.  My choice is to wear out.” – T.Roosevelt

I’m with you Teddy.


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