Friday, August 15, 2014

“You can have results or excuses…not both.”

     “I don’t have enough time.”  How often have you heard that said?  Personally I hear that on a minimum of 10 times per week.  Sadly it’s not true.  What people mean to say is “I don’t have time for that.”  A 30 minute workout is roughly only 2% of your day, stop looking at it as a waste of time but as being the most important time of your day.  Be the master of your fate, show up and give it a shot, day after day.  It’s in all of us.
     Complaining about working out has no place in this world either.  If you’re doing something that you don’t enjoy, don’t stop working out, I repeat don’t stop working out, just find a different means of working out or add some variety to what you do.  There are plenty of things out there that you can try.  If you’re feeling like you have no motivation to work out you’ve set yourself up to lose that battle.  Your feelings want you to be safe, they certainly don’t want you to be successful or uncomfortable.  To have success sometimes you might have to do somethings that aren't as fun or as comfortable as the DVR and couch, but that’s just life.  Live it.
     Other people will complain about their kids and how “It’s hard to make it work.”  There are plenty of people out there that manage to juggle life around their training.  I’ve seen it numerous times, I’ve seen plenty of mothers over the past years make it work.  Your kids should be your biggest motivation to work out, not your biggest excuse.  Don’t burden your kids with being the old and broken parent that they have to take care of.  Be awesome for them…and for you.
     I’ve been honored in my life to be able to have some amazing workout partners during my journey.  But I’ve also had many months and years where it was just me rising and grinding solo day after day, week after week.  But music has been my friend in those hours of suffering.  Blow the dust off that old disc man and get after it.  People who train with each other typically meet at the gym or at the yoga studio or running club.  If you don’t have someone to train with it’s probably because you don’t have many friends that train.  Become the person who regularly trains and you will attract people into your life who also value the benefits of being healthy and fit.  Nothing worthwhile in this life comes free, you have to earn it.
     If you make that commitment to training and it becomes a part of who you are, just the thought of missing a workout can drive you crazy.  I herniated a disc in my back a couple years back.  And after a set back of me being hard headed and rushing back and pushing through the pain, I took the doctors and physical therapists and athletic trainers advice and focused on my rehab.  I dedicated my time to learning as much as I could about disc injuries, I read research, books, experimented with certain exercises and it gave me an outlet to get back to where I wanted to be.  Just because one part of your body is out of commission doesn’t mean the rest of your body can’t train, just be safe.  I don’t recommend training when your sick, but being sore or tired, that’s not good enough in my book.  Train smart.
     Don’t feel like you need a gym to achieve fitness success.  The world is your oyster.  There are plenty of websites out there where you can buy equipment for your house or even videos to watch that can teach you how to make a kettle bell or a suspension trainer.  You don’t need equipment to do burpees!  I watched a friend blast through his burpees today in knee high boots, jeans, a carhart jacket and a winter hat today, I’m just saying…Tim you're the man by the way!  If it’s important enough to you, you will find a way.
     All I can ask is that you don’t make the excuse of not knowing what to do or feeling intimidated by people that are fit.  Firstly, the internet has opened the world up to training tips, routines, etc.  If it’s on the internet it must be true (that’s a joke).  Showing up to the gym and starting is the most important part, you can learn a lot on the fly just by showing up.  You can ask questions along the way of people on technique, form, theory and practice.  It’s a journey, it doesn’t come instantly.  The more you show up to the gym the more comfortable the people and the place will seem.  Plus most fit people love to give advice and help people.
     Anyone has the ability to get in great shape.  Go be the person that the unfit are intimidated by and tell them all about your journey to how you got there.  Heck you might get a new training partner out of the deal.


Be sure to keep sharing and spreading The Tank Up Way friends, the community is growing!
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