What could you do if you improved 1% a week? If we were all able to stick to working on improving 1% per week could you imagine how amazing a life we all could have? We’re not talking about 50, 25 or even 10% here, we’re talking about 1%. If you do the math, it would take roughly 15 months to double our ability, capacity or performance in a given area or aspect of our life. It’s not about focusing on the big things, it’s focusing on the small things that you decide on a daily basis.
Everyone wants to make the dramatic change, that 50% change immediately. Think about people and New Year’s resolutions, I know we’ve probably all been there. That’s all good and well but typically there comes a point of being overwhelmed or stressed that most likely reverts us back to old habits. That’s why, by making incremental improvements, it will allow all us to lay the foundation for big changes and huge impacts on our lives, work, training, etc. There are always dozens of little things that we could do, that we typically won’t do for one reason or another. Mostly we avoid these things because they are “small” things that we don't feel will have much of an impact.
Almost every habit that we have, either good or bad, is a result of many small decisions made over and over again. Hence how it becomes a habit. And most people will forget this when they are looking to make a change. People tend to get caught up in believing the only way something is meaningful is if there is some visible and tangible outcome associated with it that others notice. Fact of the matter is thats just not true.
Meanwhile, that person that set out to improve by just 1% isn’t making noticeable changes that are obvious to everyone around them, they’re grinding it out daily, making those small adjustments week in and week out, and that is just as meaningful. Especially in this long journey that we’re all on together. It’s like making an deposit in the bank, the positive 1% changes you make week after week will compound over time, again and again. And the longer you can keep making those deposits the more and more it will compound over time. This life is a journey not a sprint.
What happens if you make a mistake and slip-up and revert back to a bad habit or stop a good habit? Nothing…as long as you get back on track. Know at the beginning of your journey that these moments will happen, so be prepared for them and we’ll be able to get the train right back on the track and start chugging along again in the right direction. People probably aren't a fan of thinking about failure or bumps in the road, but it’s those people that prepare and plan for those moments, that expect those moments, that are the ones that push that obstacle aside or climb right over it and get that train rolling again. Prepare for the worst and you’ll be the one saying “It’s not that bad” as those around you are freaking out.
Everyone loves to look at success as one single event as opposed to a journey of good habits and making the right choices over and over again, even when making those decisions are hard to do. This is what makes all those small wins and steady gains so powerful to us. It becomes infectious in a positive way. And not just to us, but to those around us. Maybe it’s a coworker who sees you bringing a healthy lunch now, or someone at the gym notices you get on a foam roller more consistently. Whatever it may be people are watching, and though they might not realize it, they’re being influenced by you. Change the world! Or at least your little world and those surrounding you…
Figure out what you’re looking to optimize in your life, wether it’s your daily nutrition, weekly training program, nightly sleeping habits, or productivity at work. It starts with you, and it starts right now. Set a goal, figure out a plan of how you’re going to achieve it, plan to fail (so you can get back up), and keep grinding it out until you make it to where you want to go. Nothing in this life is worth it if it comes easy, so enjoy the small wins and have fun on this journey. And remember to always, #TankUp!
"Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day."
—Jim Rohn
—Jim Rohn
Be sure to keep sharing and spreading the word friends, the movement is spreading,
Email: thetankupway@gmail.com (T-shirt are still in stock, get some)
Facebook Page: The Tank Up Way
Instagram: @thetankupway
Twitter: @thetankupway